Community Guidelines

India's best 24x7 live Helo Kings mobile application

Community Guidelines

At HELOKINGS, we strive to empower everyone to seize the magic of the moment through live-streaming. Our community is built on a foundation of openness and respect, and we welcome users and broadcasters ("Members") from all backgrounds to foster a supportive and inclusive environment with us.

These Community Guidelines ("Community Guidelines") are a set of norms and expectations that are intended to design a safe and welcoming space for everyone while allowing Members the freedom to create and share a range of experiences and perspectives. These Community Guidelines apply to all accounts and content, including live-streaming videos, text, comments, links, and chats. By using hELOKINGS, you hereby accept these Community Guidelines, which are integrated into and form a part of Helokings's Terms of Use.

We take violations of these Community Guidelines very seriously and use a combination of technology and human moderation measures to proactively enforce our policies. We encourage all Members to report any content or accounts which they believe violate these Community Guidelines, and our team will investigate the report and take the necessary action to ensure the safety of our Members. This can be done via [email protected]

Personal Safety
We prioritize the safety of our Members and we have a zero-tolerance policy towards any activities that may jeopardize their well-being. We expect all Members to refrain from streaming, distributing, sharing, or posting any activities that could be harmful to themselves or others. These prohibited activities include but are not limited to the use of drugs, alcohol, weapons, or any other dangerous products; engaging or supporting terrorism, money laundering, organized crimes, or any activities threatening public's safety; extremism; endangering minors' safety, including grooming, exploitation, abuse, or assault; self-harm, suicide, or any act that may cause harm to oneself or others; violence, harm, reckless behavior, vandalism or other dangerous activities.

We take such activities very seriously and any accounts associated with them may be immediately suspended. If you come across any content that you believe may be harmful or dangerous, please report it to us immediately.

Sexual activities
One of our key principles is the prohibition of sexually explicit or suggestive content that may make Members feel uncomfortable, objectified, or threatened. Any form of inappropriate live-streaming videos, images, or audio content is strictly prohibited. This also extends to any material that is sexual or pornographic, including but not limited to sexually explicit language, gestures, and emojis. Furthermore, offering sexual services or sexual interactions of any kind within Tango is not acceptable. Any such behavior will result in immediate account removal and potential reporting to relevant authorities.

Respect community Members
We expect all Members to interact and treat each other with respect and dignity. We prohibit any form of hate speech, violence, harassment, and bullying. We do not tolerate any material or comments that promote prejudice or discrimination against our Members, based on their ethnicity, race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, disability, or any other personal attribute. We understand that disagreements and conflicts may arise, but we ask that all Members approach these situations civilly and respectfully.

We value authenticity and originality in the content that our Members create and share. We believe that every member has a unique perspective and voice that can contribute to our community's diversity. As such, we encourage our Members to post their own original content and respect their ownership of that material. We also have a responsibility to maintain the integrity of Helokings and ensure that all content is truthful, accurate, and not intentionally misleading. We do not tolerate any content that misrepresents the identity of other Members or is designed to deceive our Members. This includes deep-fakes, manipulated, or edited content that alters the original context of the material.

Protect personal information
It is strictly prohibited to share or post personal information about others without their consent. This includes but is not limited to live-streaming, photos, videos, profiles, full names, addresses, phone numbers, or email addresses. We also do not allow the sharing of personal information that you do not have the right to share, such as confidential or sensitive information that is protected by law. In addition, we urge our Members to exercise caution when sharing their own personal information on Tango or elsewhere online, including sensitive information such as financial information, social security numbers, or passwords, as this information can be used for identity theft and fraud.

Protect intellectual property rights
We believe that respecting the creative works of others is crucial to fostering a positive and respectful environment. We encourage our Members to always respect the intellectual property rights of others and to obtain proper permissions and licenses before using copyrighted works. We strictly prohibit the uploading, posting, broadcasting, or sharing of any content that infringes on someone else's intellectual property or copyright. This includes the unauthorized use of copyrighted works such as images, videos, sounds, art, or music.

If you believe that your intellectual property rights have been infringed upon by Members, we urge you to report the infringement to us so that we can take appropriate action. We have created a Copyright Policy Page where Members can learn more about our policies and procedures.

Malicious and deceptive practices
We prohibit any attempts to compromise or abuse the security, reliability, or integrity of Helokings. This includes but is not limited to accessing Helokings platform through unauthorized means, such as hacking or using stolen login credentials. We also prohibit spamming, fake engagement, artificially collecting followers or gifts, or any other deceitful practices that could deceive our Members.

In addition, we do not tolerate any content or activity that interferes with the integrity of Tango's services or the experience of another user or their devices. This includes spreading viruses, malware, or other harmful software or engaging in any activity that could harm the functionality or performance of Tango.

Respect the law
We expect all of our Members to adhere to applicable local, state, national, and international laws and regulations. We rely on our Members' support to identify and eliminate any inappropriate or illegal content on Tango. If you come across any content that you believe violates our community guidelines or is deemed inappropriate or offensive, we urge you to report it to us immediately. We will investigate any reports of inappropriate or illegal content and take the necessary action, which may include removing the content and notifying the appropriate authorities if necessary. We also remind our Members that they are responsible for their own actions on Tango and that they will be held accountable for any violations of the law.